Artificial Golf Putting Grass

Aloro Group’s premium-grade golf artificial grass delivers an excellent putting surface, ensuring the ball travels smoothly every time. Our synthetic grass for golf putting greens is ideal for tournaments and social rounds all year, no matter the weather. 

Made from durable and strong precision-cut synthetic yarns, artificial golf grass creates a low-maintenance and enjoyable putting surface that benefits both players and greenskeepers. This premium product is much denser compared to other putting grasses on the market, yet still firm to ensure the perfect putt. 

Artificial golf grass by Aloro Group is the best choice for all types of fake grass putting greens. Suitable for small or large spaces, this product suits both private golf courses as well as mini home putting greens. Because it is so robust, our synthetic grass stands up to frequent use and only requires occasional maintenance, making it much easier to look after than natural grass. 

Whilst you’re on our site, why not browse our wide range of landscape turf products to complement your clubhouse and surrounding areas?

With over 20 years of experience as Australia wide synthetic grass suppliers , Aloro Group is the best choice for golfing enthusiasts. If you have any questions or you’d like help selecting the best variety of synthetic grass for your project, contact Aloro Group


Artificial Golf Putting Grass Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Difference Between Artificial Grass and Natural Putting Green?

Whether you’re considering a backyard putting green or looking at options for a commercial golf club, you’ll need to weigh up the differences in upfront installation costs, ongoing maintenance, water requirements, pest management, and other factors. Artificial grass golf putting greens are rapidly gaining popularity due to their low maintenance requirements and the ability to play on a predictable, consistent surface year-round. Whilst they typically have a higher upfront cost, this can be recouped quickly thanks to their reduced maintenance requirements. Also, it’s important to remember that artificial golf grass does not require watering, and water usage can be costly and environmentally damaging in our dry climate. Natural grass also takes time to grow thick and lush, whereas artificial golf putting grass creates an instant and long-lasting green space. In commercial environments, this translates to faster cash flow and a better customer experience. And in residential yards, there is the benefit of enjoying your weekend instead of mowing, weeding, watering and fertilising your grass!

How Long Will Artificial Golf Putting Grass Last?

The lifespan of artificial golf grass is heavily influenced by the quality of the installation and the amount of maintenance it receives, however we typically suggest a usable life of around 10 to 15 years.

How Do You Maintain Artificial Golf Putting Grass?

In any putting green setting, maintaining ball accuracy is paramount, so you will need to look after your synthetic turf to keep it in great condition. Maintenance of artificial golf grass for golf putting greens consists of regular brushing and grooming to ensure the fibres stand tall, washing down any debris or pet mess, and occasionally replenishing the dry sand infill that enhances the weight and drainage properties of your turf. To help you keep your artificial putting green grass and landscaped areas in great shape, we’ve created an artificial grass maintenance guide that covers the recommended maintenance routine.